The most extensive sources of information about the European Union are official websites of the EU institutions and the Latvian authorities.
- Information about EU institutions, policies, Member States, history and other EU related issues can be consulted on the EU portal.
- Information about the EU is available in a dedicated EU channel, EUTube, which offers the opportunity to watch and comment on videos.
- Information about the European Union can be obtained by calling special information phones. For example, a common Europe Direct phone 00800 6 7 8 9 10 11 has been set up in the European Union, which can be called from all Member States and answered in any of the official languages of the EU.
- At the same time, information about the EU can also be obtained on-the-spot by visiting the European Union Information Points, the European Commission's Europe Direct Information Centres, the EU home and non-governmental organisations.
- In schools, the creation of European clubs promotes young people's awareness and knowledge of the policies of the EU, its institutions and its competence. At the same time, public interest in EU matters is promoted through invitations to tender for EU issues.
- There is also a directory phone in Latvia – a Euroinfo phone (8 0000 3 0000) to which EU questions can be raised.